Good Riddance / Les bons débarras (Bluray)

Good Riddance / Les bons débarras (Bluray)

24,99 $CA

A woman is overwhelmed with having to deal with her emotionally unstable daughter, mentally-challenged brother and two suitors while simultaneously trying to run her small firewood business.

Une femme est accablée d'avoir à faire face à sa fille émotionnellement instable, son frère handicapé et ses deux prétendants tout en essayant simultanément de gérer sa petite entreprise de bois de chauffage.


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Set in a small rural town in the Quebec Laurentians, Michelle lives in an isolated house with her mentally-challenged brother Guy and her 13 year old daughter Manon. Together the three of them survive by running a small firewood business and performing other odd jobs. Michelle is frustrated with living in poverty and being the center of several people who demand her affection; her brother is like a second child who lives in his own world, his romantic obsession with their wealthy client Madame Viau-Vachon being an exercise in futility. Maurice, the local police chief, is her lover and Gaetan, a mechanic and family friend, would like to be. Most demanding of all is her daughter, who has an unhealthy emotional dependence on her. Precocious and uninterested in school, Manon is jealous of her Mother's suitors and angry at being left home to do chores and care for Guy. When an event occurs that threatens the emotional dynamic between Manon and her mother, she becomes obsessed with removing anything that stands in the way of her having an exclusive claim on her mother's love no matter what the cost.

Campé dans une région rurale et isolée des Laurentides, le film Les bons débarras dépeint l'amour quasi-excessif d'une enfant pour sa mère. Pour cette raison, elle en vient à terroriser tout homme pouvant venir bouleverser cette relation.Basé sur le scénario du grand romancier Réjean Ducharme et filmé par Michel Brault, ce conte gothique de Mankiewicz occupe une place privilégiée dans l'histoire du cinéma canadien. Souvent salué comme l'une des p lus grandes réalisations cinématographiques du Canada, ce film mêlant passion, amour filial et jalousie, a remporté huit prix Génie, incluant celui du meilleur film.


Technical Details / Détails techniques

Length / Durée: 114 minutes
Language / Langues: French / Français
Subtitltes / Sous-titres: English / Anglais
Closed Caption / Encodage malentendant : French / Français
Year / Année: 1980
Aspect Ratio / Image: Panoramique 16:9 (2.39)
Format: DVD NTSC
Sound / Son: 5.1 Surround, 2.0 Stereo

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